When you have successfully executed this code, your laptop or pc will not shutdown automatically. You have to open the RUN window and have to type the code there. The parameter “ -a” says windows to abort any shutdown process that is already set.

The code to prevent auto shutdown is as follows. Windows also provides another command to prevent that, but you will have to execute that before shutdown process is initiated, atleast one second earlier. As it is forced shutdown, if the shutdown process is initiated, you will be unable to stop the process at that moment. It will be very annoying if you are doing something important task and your laptop shuts down automatically due to that command. But what will happen if you have already set the timer for shutdown but you didn’t sleep. You have already learned how to automatically shutdown your windows pc or laptop when you sleep. Now you can easily shut down your windows pc or laptop automatically. When you successfully typed the shutdown command and clicked “ OK” button or pressed “ ENTER“, the code will execute, and you will get a confirmation that your pc or laptop is going to shut down. It will say for forced shutdown so that no program can prevent the shut down.

So the laptop or pc will shut down automatically after 1 hour. Here 3600 means 3600 seconds, i.e., one hour. The number after ‘ t‘ specifies number of seconds. The parameters used here with the command tells the actual work to be done. For windows 8 and newer versions of Windows, you may also type this code.