Resembles Android Devices: Your home screen of Bluestacks Device Player is close to the main screen of Android phones.These are enhanced and updated versions of Bluestacks, to additional features. Quick updates: Bluestacks proved to become a success, the company launched BlueStacks 2 or Bluestacks 3.Gamers friendly: Gamers will live-stream the Game to Steam or Facebook immediately using Bluestacks without heading through any hectic phase.It also has a ‘Developers Test Aid’ feature that helps to complete the test easily. Developers friendly: If you’re an Android developer who wants to check the efficiency of the App for Android, you could do this with Bluestacks.Such integrations are especially necessary for gaming applications. Blue stacks make it much easier for using Android apps on your Windows device. Integration friendly: It combines the screen, monitor, microphone, cameras, all together.The android device is safe to use and supports information, with a premium subscription level that eliminates advertisements and offers additional character customization and essential tech support. It means you can take advantage of the more versatile resources available for PCs and Macs.įirst published in 2011, BlueStacks keep growing together with the Android ecosystem, capturing investment relationships from tech companies like Intel, AMD, Samsung, or Qualcomm. BlueStacks for PC | Download free latest version 2020īlueStacks for PC is one of the most common Android emulators, striking a balance between mobile and desktop environments by enabling users to operate their favorite Android apps with the convenience of their computer or laptop.