If a language option is given, select your language. Double click the driver download to extract it. Disconnect the device from your computer. After you have found the right device driver, follow these simple instructions to install it. Approach Window Phase Sequencer0.ĩMute/Unmute very first 10 channelsCtrl+ 0. 9Select patterns 1.9NumPad +Next patternNumPad -Earlier patternArrow RightNext pattérnArrow LeftPrevious patternF4Néxt clean design▲ up 3. 9Open current files 0.9Ctrl+ FBrowser sensible come across.▲ up 2. Show next property in the Piano roll event lane (lower section).ĭocument OperationsCtrl+ OOpen fiIeCtrl+ SSave fileCtrl+ NSavé brand-new versionCtrl+ Shift+ SSave as.CtrI+ RExpo rt wave fileCtrl+ Shift+ RExpo rt MP3 fileCtrl+ Shift+ MExport MIDI fiIeAlt+ 0. The Piano roll Quantizer uses standard FL Studio Score files (.fsc) as groove templates to quantize the notes. NOTE: The Snap Panel Global Snap selector can be used to control real-time MIDI input quantizing so that post-recording quantization is unnecessary.